2025 Reverse Draw

Friendswood Rotary Club is celebrating our 50th anniversary this year.  Come celebrate with us and get a chance to win $10,000 in GOLD.  See any Rotary Club member to purchase a ticket.  
2025 Reverse Draw DEN 2025-01-07 06:00:00Z 0


Friendswood Rotary Club is sponsoring TWO students to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Camp January 10-12 at Pineywoods Camp in Woodlake, Texas.  Please click this link to complete the application if you would like to be considered. https://cassiemcgarvey-my.sharepoint.com/personal/cmcgarvey_mcgarveypllc_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fcmcgarvey%5Fmcgarveypllc%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FRotary%2FRYLA%20Application%202025%20%2D%20Fillable%20Form%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fcmcgarvey%5Fmcgarveypllc%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FRotary&ga=1
RYLA APPLICATION DEN 2024-09-30 05:00:00Z 0

Bingo for Polio Plus

Everyone seems to have a great time who attended the Bingo for Polio Plus event hosted by Friendswood Rotary Club at the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce office .     We were able to raise a significant amount of money for Polio Plus which is a Rotary International charity whose goal is to eradicate polio worldwide.  This event was held on Thursday, March 21, 2024.  
Bingo for Polio Plus Denise Spruiell 2024-03-26 05:00:00Z 0
12 X 12 Art Project Opening Reception Denise Spruiell 2023-11-07 06:00:00Z 0
Food Drive Benefeting Hope Village Denise Spruiell 2023-11-07 06:00:00Z 0


PINTS FOR POLIO 2023-10-04 05:00:00Z 0

Labor Day Ice Cream Social 

Friendswood Rotary Club is partnering with Friendswood Historical Society, FDFA, Keep Friendswood Beautiful, HEB, Lions International  and other local businesses for the Labor Day Ice Cream Social.   Come to the Historic Perry Home at 109 W. Spreading Oaks in Friendswood for free ice cream and lemonade.   Monday, September 4, 2023 from 5:00 PM  to 7:00 PM
Labor Day Ice Cream Social 2023-08-17 05:00:00Z 0

Friendswood Fire Department and EMS 

Our Rotary club presented the Friendswood Fire Department and EMS with a donation to purchase 6 Defibrillators.    Accepting the donation are Chief Lisa Camp, Lieutenant Greg Otto and Fire Chief Stan Kozlowski.    Pictured Rotarians are:  Judy Wiggins, Landon Blair, Scott MacKenzie, Denise Spruiell, Robin Hall, Scott Dayton, Dave Barron and Craig Hall.  
Friendswood Fire Department and EMS 2023-07-28 05:00:00Z 0

2023-2024 Rotary Installation

A great time was had by all Friday, June 30 at the Beldon celebrating the outgoing President Judy Wiggins and welcoming incoming President Dave Barron.    We look forward to Dave’s leadership this year.  Thank you to Buffalo Catering for the delicious food.  Check out the photo album.  
2023-2024 Rotary Installation Denise Spruiell 2023-07-12 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Regatta On Clear Creek

The Rotary Clubs of League City and Friendswood are excited to host The Annual Rotary Regatta on Clear Creek. It is a 7-mile canoe/kayak race that begins at 1776 Park in Friendswood and ends at Countryside Park in League City. The Regatta kicks off at 10:00 am at 1776 Park at 450 FM 2351 in Friendswood. There will be refreshments and festivities with live entertainment after the paddle at Countryside Park at 100 Alderwood in League City. 
No photo description available.
Rotary Regatta On Clear Creek 2022-08-24 05:00:00Z 0

12X12 Art Project

The mission of the Friendswood Rotary 12X12 Art Project is to feature the gifts of the artists of today while investing the artists of tomorrow in our community.  As such, 40 local artists will be selected to participate in a juried art exhibit.  Selected artwork will be part of an online auction held November 7  through December 7, 2022.  Proceeds from the auction will go to the FISD Education Foundation to fund fine arts grants in FISD.
12X12 Art Project 2022-08-24 05:00:00Z 0

Friendswood Rotary Project to Help Ukrainian Refugees in Wales

The situation in Ukraine is in the national news every day. Many Ukrainians have
been forced to leave their homes and their country behind. But where are those
refugees going? And for how long? A partial answer is they are going to other
continental European nations, the United States and Canada, and the United Kingdom
(UK). As an example, the UK has taken in thousands of refugees. Those refugees are
being housed throughout the UK, which consists of England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland. As a service organization, Friendswood Rotary has started a project to
support the refugees in northern Wales. One might ask “Why Wales, how, and for how
Click the link for more information
Friendswood Rotary Project to Help Ukrainian Refugees in Wales 2022-08-05 05:00:00Z 0
Meredith Levine Reps Friendswood Rotary Craig Hall 2022-07-14 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary 2022-2023 Installation

Our Rotary year transitions leadership every July.  We had our Rotary Installation in June to celebrate the successes of the club led by President Derrick Brown.  We also celebrated and installed the new board led by President Judy Wiggins.
Rotary 2022-2023 Installation Craig Hall 2022-07-07 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Celebrates 4th of July Craig Hall 2022-07-07 05:00:00Z 0
Booker T Fights For Kids Foundation Craig Hall 2022-07-07 05:00:00Z 0
2019 - 2020 Presidents Awards Ceremony RAS 2020-10-12 05:00:00Z 0
Memorial Service for Jerry Ericsson at Stevenson Park 2020-09-15 05:00:00Z 0
2020 Reverse Draw 2020-06-25 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Holds In-Person Meeting 2020-06-04 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary to Hold In-Person Meeting June 3 2020-05-28 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Completes Meals Project 2020-05-28 05:00:00Z 0

Club to hold Zoom Meeting May 20, 2020

On Wednesday May 20, 2020, Club President Robin Hall plans to host a meeting via GoToMeeting for our regular club meeting.  Afterward, she will continue with a Rotary Board meeting.  All club members are invited to join.  Click the story link for details.
Club to hold Zoom Meeting May 20, 2020 2020-04-30 05:00:00Z 0

Friendswood Rotary Continues to Serve the Community

Thanks to the generous support of members and the local community, Friendswood Rotary has been able to provide approximately 4100 meals during the months of March and April.  A big thank you also goes out to Friendswood Youth Baseball, which provided a place to hold meal pickup, manpower to get the work done, drivers for hundreds of meal deliveries, and so much more.  Thanks to The City of Friendswood for meal delivery to seniors who might not have otherwise had a hot meal.
Friendswood Rotary Continues to Serve the Community 2020-04-30 05:00:00Z 0

Club Foundation Meals Delivery in Full Swing

The Foundation of the Friendswood Rotary Club, in conjunction with Friendswood Youth Baseball and the City of Friendswood have begun providing meals to Friendswood residents in need of assistance.  Seventeen meals are being delivered to seniors by the City and about 150 meals are being provided to residents for pickup at Renwick Park.  This program provides dinner meals three times per week.  Meals are provided by Friendswood restaurants, such as La Casita, Charleston Tea Room, and others.
Club Foundation Meals Delivery in Full Swing 2020-03-26 05:00:00Z 0

Friendswood Assists Those in Need

Friendswood Rotary Club, Friendswood Youth Baseball, and the City of Friendswood are partnering to support families and individuals in our community who may be in need of meals during this difficult period of time. The goal is to feed families a few times a week by families in need picking up meals at Renwick Park.

We also want to support our local restaurants by purchasing these meals through them.

Click the image below to link to the application to receive meals OR to become a restaurant that provides meals. 

There is also a link on the site to donate funds to help with carrying out this project.  Donations can be processed through PayPal or made directly at Hometown Bank of Friendswood.

Thanks to everyone for your support!


Friendswood Assists Those in Need 2020-03-19 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Makes Donation to ShelterBox 2020-02-26 06:00:00Z 0
Club Installs Playground Equipment at Renwick Park 2020-02-24 06:00:00Z 0
Cole Gordon Honored as a Paul Harris Fellow 2020-02-20 06:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Installs Hope Village Rotaract 2020-02-19 06:00:00Z 0
Local Teacher Barbara Gruener Honored 2020-02-06 06:00:00Z 0
State Senator Larry Taylor Visits 2020-02-05 06:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Assists with Sweets for Soldiers Project 2020-01-29 06:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Celebrates Rotary Month 2020-01-29 06:00:00Z 0
Local School Libraries Receive Gift from Rotary 2019-12-16 06:00:00Z 0
Officer Lisa Price Honored by Friendswood Rotary 2019-12-16 06:00:00Z 0
Friendswood FFA Member Visits 2019-12-16 06:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Receives Presidential Citation with Gold Distinction 2019-11-20 06:00:00Z 0
Greg Bonnen Speaks to Friendswood Rotary 2019-11-01 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Regatta 2019-10-23 05:00:00Z 0
Galveston Countywide Rotary Meeting 2019-10-19 05:00:00Z 0

Canoe Launch Dedication

Posted on Oct 08, 2019
Members of the Friendswood Rotary Club, along with representatives of the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District and City of Friendswood gathered at 1776 Park off FM 2351 Monday (October 7) to cut the ribbon on a new Kayak and Canoe launch that they and their organizations partnered to install.  The club donated 5000.00 to the project.  The launch will be a big benefit to the paddlers competing in the annual Friendswood Rotary Regatta.
Canoe Launch Dedication 2019-10-08 05:00:00Z 0
Club Honors Friendswood Librarian Matthew Riley 2019-10-07 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Police Officer Named Paul Harris Fellow 2019-09-24 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Hosts District Governor 2019-09-04 05:00:00Z 0
FISD and CCISD Coaches Visit Friendswood Rotary 2019-09-04 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Donates to Sustainable Peace Effort 2019-08-30 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Youth Exchange 2019-08-22 05:00:00Z 0
Is That A Rotary Shirt You Are Wearing? 2019-08-08 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Exchange Student 2019-08-08 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary Presents Movies in the Park 2019-08-07 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotary donates to the 50th Anniversary Apollo Splashdown Celebration Craig Hall 2019-07-17 05:00:00Z 0
2018-2019 Rotarians of the Year Craig Hall 2019-07-17 05:00:00Z 0
John Chambers, District Governor, District 6400 Speaks to Friendswood Rotary Craig Hall 2019-07-10 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Regatta 2018 Judy Wiggins 2019-06-19 05:00:00Z 0
New Paul Harris Fellows 2019-03-21 05:00:00Z 0
Friendswood Rotarians in South Africa 2018-09-06 05:00:00Z 0

Friendswood Rotary Club Website

At our weekly meeting on August 15, 2018, Judy Wiggins, Rick Ansell and Gerry Stacy presented an overview of the club website, new member requirements, and the importance of interesting and informative speakers for our meetings. 
Friendswood Rotary Club Website Gerry Stacy 2018-08-18 05:00:00Z 0
WELCOME TO OUR WEBSITE Gerry Stacy 2012-06-24 05:00:00Z 0
Ribbon Cutting at the Rotary Pavilion Pergola Gerry Stacy 2011-11-18 00:00:00Z 0
Three New Rotarians Make it Fifty (50)! Gerry Stacy 2011-08-30 00:00:00Z 0
Become a Website Sponsor Gerry Stacy 0

Security and Integrity of Your Data

Posted by Gerry Stacy
story thumbnail
ClubRunner secures all our private information using the latest security technologies. Hosted in a world class data centre with redundant power, Internet backbones and 24/7 security and monitoring, our club data is safe and protected. Our members' contact information is secured behind unique logins and passwords. Access to information is also restricted, for example, a member can only view the list of members, but can modify his or her own personal information.

Data on the server is protected by TCP/IP filtering, firewall and anti-virus software that protect against any unauthorized intrusion. Backups of data are made daily and stored off-site.

Security and Integrity of Your Data Gerry Stacy 0
Integrated eBulletin for Easier Communication Gerry Stacy 0